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Hi from Vern." I am 90 years old, shoot my age in golf and plan to climb a mountain when I am 100. I am not a Charles Atlas, Jack La Lane, or Arnold Schwarzenegger I don’t have six pack abs, I don’t pump weights or run 5 miles a day BUT, I am in great physical condition because I do the right type and amount of exercise for 20 minutes every day."


Recommended Exercise Routine: Steps 1 thru 11


Vern retired from Mid State Technical College after 39 years, with 12 years of teaching a variety of Industrial Arts Courses and 27 years as administrator of special projects. He won the Wisconsin Governor's Award for "Energy Vern bought a low cost rebounder, but was dissatisfied with the type of bounce, safety, alignment and stability that he needed. He bought a quality rebounder and INVENTED the Rebound Stability System that provided the additional safe exercise components he needed for rebounding. Innovation" in 1980. He does patenting and marketing seminars and holds several patents. Fifteen years ago he was diagnosed with leukemia, was overweight and borderline for both high blood pressure and diabetes. All of these conditions have normalized, he believes, due to good nutrition and a functional fitness exercise program which demonstrates the power of regeneration that our body possesses with proper care.

You need functional exercise that has all the needed fitness components: Aerobics, strength training, stretching, balance and coordination. This rebounder and stability system provides all these fitness components. It’s good for persons of all ages, BUT especially great for Boomers, seniors, overweight and persons with physical problems that find if hard to do the right kind and amount of exercise due to their physical limitations.

At first glance it seems hard to understand how something this simple can provide all the needed fitness components in such a short time. Let’s review: The rebounder uses springs or bungee cords to defy gravity. They do the work and you get the benefits. The Stability System provides alignment, stability and balance while rebounding, plus aerobics, strength training and coordination.

  1. Statement about 75 trillion cells-rebounding squeezes these, providing oxygen, nutrients and removes waste.

  2. Statement about lymph system, removes waste and toxins. One way valves, 3 times more than blood, rebounding speeds this 3 to 15 times

  3. What about muscle? ----Muscles Matter---Our bodies have 620 muscles--They support your skeletal structure, hold alignment, posture and enable movement.

  4. You need muscle balance so long & short muscles do not pull you out of alignment.

  5. How about our joints?----Every joint in your body is held together by a joint capsule made up of ligaments that produce lubricating Synovial fluid that protect your cartilage to ensure safe, pain free movement. We need movement to produce this protective SYNOVIAL fluid, plus circulation that supplies fresh oxygen and nutrients. Our bodies are designed to move. Lack of movement speeds up the aging process and enables all its bad results. All of today’s modern day conveniences have contributed to this lack of movement.

THINK ABOUT THIS: Rebounding with the Rebound Stability System exercises and strengthens all of the body's major muscles through compound exercises of multiple muscle groups rather than focusing on ONE. Between the ages of 30-70 we lose up to 40 percent of our muscle which slows metabolism and physical activities.

Our body contains 650 muscles; 620 of these are skeletal muscles whose main function is the movement of the body's bones to provide power and strength. The remaining 30 muscles are the heart, blood vessels, intestines, etc. Rebounding strengthens all the body's muscles, but the 620 skeletal muscles receive additional strength training by using the Rebound Stability System. Our body contains 650 muscles; 620 of these are skeletal muscles whose main function is the movement of the body's bones to provide power and strength. The remaining 30 muscles are the heart, blood vessels, intestines, etc. Rebounding strengthens all the body's muscles, but the 620 skeletal muscles receive additional strength training by using the Rebound Stability System. The squat hits a whopping 256 muscles with just one movement. Push ups and pull ups take in most of the balance with rebounding completing the total.

Part II of this video will show the solution to this dilemma: Bounce-Push & Pull Jump Walk---trot---run Squat—Full & Partial Pull Up-Full & Partial Push-Pull---Bounce or Jump—Upper Bars Push-Pull---Bounce or Jump –Lower Bars Front Kicks-Both Legs----angle kicks—Side kicks STRETCHING: Back leg stretch—both legs Standing-one leg on floor, other on rebounder-bend forward-both legs forward press-one foot on floor, other on rebounder-Push with floor leg, pull down with hand and push forward with upper body---both legs Push ups-10 That’s my simple 20 minute routine that can be varied to fit your needs.

There are many types of spot or "designer" exercise equipment being heavily marketed. Spot training of specific body parts can strengthen muscles in that area, but the harm in spot muscle workouts is that it can put the body's muscle structure out of balance. Muscles shorten and tighten up with inactivity.

Fifty percent of persons 50 and older will have osteoporosis related fractures in their lifetime. Arthritis and back pain are two other conditions that will affect the majority of our population at some stage of their life. Statistics show that two thirds of our population fall into the category of being overweight, obese, or persons with health problems. Most of these persons can benefit by using the functional fitness routine available with rebounding and the Rebound Stability System.

Strength training lengthens muscles. Uneven spot reduction exercises can pull the body out of alignment and cause muscle weakness and misalignment of body parts that can create pain and injury that affects how your entire body feels and functions. Seniors biggest future concerns are independent living, mobility and dignity in their lives.

Climb aboard and come climb that mountain with me at 100 and remember I’ll be up there waiting for those under 85.

Let's Talk

Senior Rebounding for Fitness


1021 N Shore Drive
Menomonie, WI 54751


Tel: 715-309-2625 

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